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What is Snoring?


Snoring occurs to a sleeping person in the event air cannot move freely through his nose and throat during sleep. Because of this, it induces the surrounding tissues to vibrate, which produces that snoring sound. Snoring may sometimes be loud or almost inaudibly quiet. 

How can you stop snoring?

There are several ways to stop snoring; you can do some of the self-help tips, which will be written below, or you can go to a doctor and seek medical assistance in case the snoring becomes unusual.

These are some stop snoring tips which you may do by yourself at home:

1.    Try to maintain a good weight and a healthy diet. More often than night, being overweight even by just a few kilograms can induce snoring. This is because the fatty tissue around your neck constricts the throat, hence compromising the free passage of air.

2.    Most of the time, try to sleep on your side rather than on your back. Sleeping on your back causes your chin and excess fat under your chin to relax flatly on your throat, constricting the passage of air in your throat.  Sleeping on your side often prevents this.

3.    Avoid alcohol right before going to bed. Alcohol causes the muscles to relax rapidly; because of this, the throat may collapse more readily, causing snoring. You should also avoid any type of beverages which have the same effect.

4.    Cut down or quit smoking. Cigarette or tobacco smoking causes an irritation in the lining of the nasal cavity and throat, causing unusual yet subtle swelling. This then in turn causes snoring if the nasal passages become congested.

5.    Keep your nasal passages clear of any obstruction; otherwise, you'd be breathing through your mouth more often than through your nose.  

Of course, the solution to snoring is not limited to this. There are also stop-snoring devices available to help. These devices include nasal strips, throat sprays, and mandibular advancement device or MAD.

Nasal strips are also called external nasal dilator strip. It helps open the nostrils wider, providing better nasal comfort and snoring prevention. It makes use of adhesive bandages which are embedded with plastic ribs or splints, and are applied across the bridge of the nose and on the side of the nostrils. They are very affordable and are almost always available in pharmacies.

These are only some of the easy, do-it-yourself solution to your average nightly snoring. For unusual snoring that persists here, it would be better to consult a professional instead.

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